Acknowledge Him
Proverbs 3:6 “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”
A psychology study done in the United Kingdom estimates that we make 122 decisions per day. These could range from what to eat, what to wear, what to watch, where to go, when to do something, and etc.
If we were to round this down and estimate that we have 100 decisions per day need to be made; how many of these do we include the Lord in the decision making process? Some things we know that He doesn’t want us to give much attention to such as what we will wear or what we’ll eat (Matthew 6:25-27).
But what about the other things? Does the Lord want me to listen to this music or watch this show? Does it bring Him honor? Does it make me think on things above? How about that new job posting? Should we apply for it or should we pray about it? How about that shiny new car with a great interest rate on the loan? Do we need it? Does the Lord want us to have it?
When we challenge ourselves to acknowledge the Lord in our decision making process, we may find that we won’t impulsively rush into things. We could be slower at making decisions because we want to be more careful and God-honoring. We become more mindful of what is Christ-like and also what is earth-bound. If we acknowledge Him in all our ways, He will make straight our ways, leading us on the straight and narrow path to the kingdom of heaven.