Imitate Christ
1 Corinthians 11:1 “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.”
Yesterday, the article covered David’s request for the Lord to search his own heart and thoughts as David had confidence that he was walking in the ways of the Lord. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians goes one step further and asks the church of Corinth to imitate him because he is imitating Christ. What confidence that Paul knew his heart, his mind, and his life were in step with Christ that he could tell other followers of the Lord to live as he does.
The question for us as followers of the Lord is if we could tell other christians to imitate us. Could you tell a brother or sister in Christ to live like you do? Could I tell someone that I am living like Christ did, so follow my example? While I may be too afraid to utter these words for fear of stumbling and causing a brother or sister in the Lord to fall down, what I will do is strive to live so loudly for the Lord that people will see I am imitating Christ. I want others to see through my actions that I am following Christ. I want my faith to be known through my works.