The Dawn
Job 38:12 “Have you commanded the morning since your days began, and caused the dawn to know its place”
The other day I was going for a walk and taking in the natural scenery of all that was around me. And a thought came to me, “What did I do to make any of this?” I then began to reflect on the grass that grows, the flowers that bloom, the butterflies that light, the moths that flutter, the birds that swoop, the brook that babbles, and the trees that sway. What did I do to make any of this? Or yet, what could I do to make any of this?
If I sat in a lab and created new chemical compounds by combining different molecules together, what have I actually created? Nothing. Or if I could split or combine atoms, I’m merely working with what already exists. But I did not create something out of nothing. I did not bring something into existence.
Even if I were to take a parcel of land, prepare the soil, scatter seeds across it, cover them gently, water the enriched soil, and trim back the tree branches above so that the sunshine could cover the land, I’m unable of causing anything to grow. I’m incapable of causing the morning light to come. I may plant seeds and water the ground and set everything up to have the right conditions for growth, but God is the One who gives life. God is the One gives the increase.
“So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth” (1 Corinthians 3:7).
What a wonderful thing to be given life in this green earth, to be a steward here, and to know that we are the work of His hands. He causes the dawn to shine it’s life giving light on us. To Him all glory, honor, and worship are due.